
Am I the only one that from time to time is overwhelmed with a sense of urgency? I feel that I am getting left out, left behind or becoming complacent. I feel the need to rush into things. To put myself out there more, to do more, to be more, to think more.

I see other bloggers and nutritionists with newsletters, products, ebooks, hardcover books, promotional deals and all other exciting and wonderful things going on. My heart races, I get a hit of adrenalin and I feel that I should have a newsletter, I should write a book, I should be more ‘professional’.

But why?

That’s the thing, I’m feel the urge to keep up with the Jones’s but I’m not a Jones, I’m not even a Smith or a Roger. The point is, I’m not like everyone else and it’s high time I stopped questioning this and just relaxed into my own path and own journey.


I’ve always done things a little differently …

I have a blog becuase I love writing and I want to do it – not for money or power or popularity. I am starting my own podcast (more news on this in posts to come) becuase I love using my words to inspire. I’m studying nutrition becuase medicinal food science and gut health lights me up like a Christmas tree. I do everything I do for the love of it.

The urgency I feel from time to time is irrational. The truth is, at the moment my blog is thriving and is progressing nicely, without any added pressures like newsletters or a mailing list. I have achieved a lot in the last year in terms of helping others and forming friendships through the blogoshphere. Everything is progessing organically and beautifully just the way its supposed to. There is no need for me to rush or feel urgent.

My mamma bear is the perfect example of this. She has no mailing list, no Facebook page, no website, no products and no books. Yet her waiting list is full and her business is popular. It’s becuase she’s an incredible tutor and changes the lives of her students by empowering them with knowledge and a renewed sense of self-confidence.

I truly believe that if I stay genuine, continue doing what I love and have the ability to touch people’s lives and hearts with what I do, then I will be successful.

I’m writing this because I get the feeling I’m not alone in feeling urgent and overwhelmed by where I ‘could be’. There’s a fine line between where we ‘could be’, where we ‘want to be’ and where we are ‘meant to be’.

The ultimate goal in life is to be happy and feel loved. So do what you love, laugh and joke, enjoy frequent hugs, be kind, help others, help yourself and take time to smell the roses. If right now you are happy and acting out of love, then you are where you’re ‘meant to be’, and that is truly the best place to be in any given moment.

Be gentle, Stay authentic, Act with love, Breathe out your fears,

Sending hugs and empowering perspectives,

Rachie xxx