Tag Archives: Chocolate

In Defence of Food

As a nutritionist, and food-loving human, it is my job to lend a voice to the innocent ingredients that are commonly used as diet-shaming clickbait. As nutritional science can get drier than cereal without milk, I’m sprucing up the conversation by turning it into a lively courtroom drama. Welcome to Raw & Disorder, let’s begin.

In the nutritional justice system, dietary based offenses do not sustain us. In this article, a whimsical nutritionist lends her platform to vilified food stuffs. These are their stories. *Dun, Dun*.

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Foodgasm Spotlight: Raw Cacao Powder

Raw Cacao Powder is poo-coloured fairy dust from the taste bud Gods. Or at least this is how I describe it. Rich, versatile and deep nutritious, I thought everyone knew about raw cacao – the less processed version of cocoa powder. It is the dried ‘cake’ leftover when cacao butter is extracted from cacao beans. Essentially it’s all the goodness from the cacao bean, minus the fat. Not that cacao fat isn’t glorious, but it is rich, and sometimes we want to combine cacao powder with alternate fats like avocado, coconut, nuts and seeds.

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Skin Foods

In this post, we talked rituals that nourish the skin from the outside in. Now we flip the bird. Not literally – keep those middle fingers in check. Let’s go from the outside in to the inside out.

Here’s a budget-friendly truth bomb; as fun as face masks, naked backyard body scrubs and pissing your cat off by taking the time to cleanse your face before you feed them brekkie can be, the simplest way to foster glowing skin is to up the antioxidants and beneficial fatty acids in the diet.

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A Few of My Fave Anti-inflammatory Recipes

Most of my recipes are, at least to some extent, “anti-inflammatory.”

All whole foods are anti-inflammatory in one way or another.

  • Some are potent anti-inflammatories, containing compounds that actively reduce inflammation in the body, such as turmeric and it’s active compound curcumin
  • Others, such as berries and sweet spuds, contain antioxidants which fight pro-inflammatory free-radical damage
  • Then there are those that aren’t anti-inflammatory themselves, but are a great replacement for food-like substances that are. 

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A Day On My Plate: My Latest Obsessions

Ages ago (and I mean ages), I wrote this post where I was all like “I’m going to do a regular-ish post series sharing what I eat from day to day, because I find what others eat fascinating and figured maybe you do too”.  I got the idea from Megan and her “what I ate Wednesday” posts. Is it totally tragic that I enjoy perving on what she’s been eating of late? Don’t answer that.

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Chocolate Chip “Awesomeness” Cookies

What’s absolutely smack-bang awesome? Chocolate! What’s even more fanfreakintabulous? Chocolate Chips … nature’s way of saying “lovely human, you don’t have to choose between a few sneaky squares of choccie and a cheeky baked good come dessert time … you can have the best of both worlds and it can be GOOD TIMES”!

I love working with Absolute Organic Chocolate Chips (NOT SPONSORED). Although they have a little cane sugar, they are 70% cocoa, have far less sugar than regular chocolate chips and are made with honest, natural ingredients – no milk solids or emulsifier soy lethicin here my friends. Plus, I do love the whole “chocolate is rich in magnesium” excuse … it never hurts to have another reason to feel EVEN BETTER about indulging in the humble choccie treat.

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Childhood Chocolate Chip Muffins

When I was in primary school, my absolute favourite baked good was mum’s homemade milk-chocolate chip muffins. They were seriously the best. Light, fluffy and loaded with sweet and creamy chocolate chips. Like most kids, I had quirky ways of eating certain foods. I loved nothing more than to nibble the buttery muffin parts around the choccie chips, leaving big mounds of chocolate sections for an epic chocolate-in-my-mouth “explosion” afternoon tea finale.

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A Day On My Plate

A blogger fave of mine, Megan from detoxinista.com, writes regular posts entitled; What I Ate, where she shares photos and explanations of what she’s eating lately. I find it weirdly fascinating to take a glimpse at someone else’s nutrition habits. I’m guessing this strange interest is what makes me cut out to be a nutritionist.

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Bang-For-Your-Buck Raw Vegan Protein “Peanut Butter” Brownies (nut-free)

Damn that title is long. But I couldn’t just say “boring old brownies”. No point of difference there. I couldn’t simply label them “raw vegan chocolate brownies” – the internet has enough of those making the rounds at the minute. I needed to add in the (nut-free) specification, because although these treats smell like they have peanut butter in them (thanks to to addition of inca inchi seeds), I assure you they don’t – hence air quoted “peanut butter”. I like the bang-for-your-buck prefix because it’s playful and sums the recipe up dandily.

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