Tag Archives: probiotics

Gut Busters

Faced with a gut myth and don’t know where to turn? Who you gonna call? Gut busters!

Last week I invited Ginger on to set us straight about her spicy merits and today, we are lucky enough to be joined by Connor Colon from Gut Busters (a.k.a your colon – the distal end of your digestive tract). Connor is going to bust 3 common myths about gut health so we can all rest easy and save our pennies in the process.

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A Few of My Fave Anti-inflammatory Recipes

Most of my recipes are, at least to some extent, “anti-inflammatory.”

All whole foods are anti-inflammatory in one way or another.

  • Some are potent anti-inflammatories, containing compounds that actively reduce inflammation in the body, such as turmeric and it’s active compound curcumin
  • Others, such as berries and sweet spuds, contain antioxidants which fight pro-inflammatory free-radical damage
  • Then there are those that aren’t anti-inflammatory themselves, but are a great replacement for food-like substances that are. 

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A Day on my Plate – All The VEG!!!

It’s been a while since my last “a day on my plate” post and I figured, I’ve actually got time to do a blog post (this chicken is up-to-date with her uni assignments). Let’s take a peek at my veg-a-licious eats.

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Rice Pudding Brekkie

Cooked and cooled rice is a source of resistant starch. Resistant starch (as the name suggests) resists digestion in the small intestine, instead acting as more of a fibre. It’s an incredible fuel source for our gut bugs to keep them thriving and healthy (super important for digestion, amazing skin, immunity and mental health).

The coconut milk is a brill source of fatty acids for nourishment and energy and the warming spices help to balance blood glucose levels. Pair this with the fibre- rich dates and the zinc-loaded pumpkin seeds and you’ve got yourself a pretty snazzy make-ahead brekkie.

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Stay Well This Winter (no supplements required!)

Most of us see a cold, flu or sniffle and an inevidable part of the Winter season. I used to think it was the cold weather that made us more susceptible. Not directly apparently. It actually has far more to do with how our lifestyles change in Winter. We spend more time inside, so we’re breathing in more recycled air, thats likely full of germs. The heating systems don’t do much to help and can dry out our mucous membranes (remember that mucous is one of our first lines of defence against pathogens).

We may become more sedentary, as we think it’s too dark, cold and miserable to get outside. This also means we’re getting less Vitamin D – a hormone that has immune-modulating effects. Then there’s the craving for comfort foods that might be a bit stodgier and less nutritious that our Summer and Spring cravings for smoothies and vibrant salads.

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A Day On My Plate

A blogger fave of mine, Megan from detoxinista.com, writes regular posts entitled; What I Ate, where she shares photos and explanations of what she’s eating lately. I find it weirdly fascinating to take a glimpse at someone else’s nutrition habits. I’m guessing this strange interest is what makes me cut out to be a nutritionist.

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Totes Amaze-Bowl!

At this time of year, it can be tempting to over-complicate things. This Amaze-bowl is super quick, easy and nourishing. A satisfying, yet light combo of “on-hand” ingredients.

I made these babies last night for a pre-Christmas drinks and dinner catch up that we had with a close  family friend. She loved it – especially the macadamia butter element!

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Japanese Brown Rice Salad

This super-simple salad is a flavour-bomb and a refreshing accompaniment to a sustainably-sourced protein; think homemade organic chicken skewers or crispy-skinned sardines. It also works as a beautiful light meal – maybe add some extra nuts/seeds, avocado and some of your fave roast veggies for bulk and extra satisfaction.

I love having coconut aminos and coconut vinegar on hand.

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Smashing Sardine Salad

Another “throw-it-together” meal (like yesterday’s salmon recipe) that is super-duper simple and packs a flavour punch. As long as you’ve dedicated time to innovative meal prep earlier in the day or week, you can have this baby ready in mere minutes.

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