
Fake Meat Isn’t Food! (and other things nutritionists yell about) | ebook

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $10.00.

Originally written as a tongue-in-cheek Christmas present for my best friend, Fake Meat Isn’t Food! (and other things nutritionists yell about) explores the twelve topics that holistic nutritionists rant about the most in their spare time.


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Want a physical paperback copy? Click here.

What do nutritionists do in their spare time?

  • Freeze dry kale leaves?
  • Milk their oats?
  • Brainstorm lists of baby names that also happen to be foods (cashew is a gender-neutral name, right)?


But we also catch up with our colleagues (most of whom are also our best friends) to rant excessively about society’s general lack of health literacy. Fake Meat Isn’t Food! (and other things nutritionists yell about) is a satirical book of essays that provides clarity around the most poorly understood topics in the realm of nutritional medicine and health science.

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Annoyed that this fabulous book isn’t available in paperback?

I hear you. Most of us (myself most definitely included) grew up reading paperbacks and don’t like the idea of reading off a screen.

But digital books are better for the environment.

To ensure that you don’t miss out on this incredibly witty and LIFE-CHANGING book (it’s worth getting your head around the tech for, trust me), I did some research (you are welcome) …

Click here to find the perfect FREE e-reader app for your android or IOS device. Just download for free, upload your ePub file and you’ll be reading in minutes. No postage lag time. No postage fee. And your book is with you always (well, as long as you have your phone*).

*The potential reading destinations are endless.

  • In a waiting room
  • On public transport
  • In bed
  • Even on the loo**

**No judgement. Just be careful not to drop your phone INTO the loo. I’ve been there. No amount of rice-dunking could save it.