Dairy Free

Super-quick choc hazelnut cupcakes

These are similar to these cupcakes but with less sweetener so for those of you that like to keep sugars low, ...

Phil-friendly Double Chocolate Chip Cupcakes

Regular readers will have no doubt heard read me mention my stepdad Phil a number of times. For the newbies, here's ...

My Favourite Green Smoothie

I have updated this post (I am writing to you in June 2019 and the post was originally written in ...

Lamb ‘Foodgasm’ Soup

Winter is well and truly here. I'm still wearing shorts religiously. Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike wearing ...

Medicinal Marrow Muffins

Is it just me or is Monday the perfect day to get your procrasti-bake on? I'm on swot-vac and with ...

A Pancake Miracle

Yesterday a miracle occurred in my kitchen. You see, for years I've been trying to perfect gluten free crepes for ...

Comforting chicken, cabbage and kale bowl

This is comfort food taken to the next level A delicious recipe that fits in nicely with a ketogenic diet, ...

Lemongrass and Ginger Turkey and Vegetable Medley

To start of the year, I'd like to share this recipe that I came up with last night. What happens ...

Totally Addictive Cauliflower Rice

This cauliflower rice is ready in under 10 mins, uses regular, non-exotic ingredients (so probably won't require any complicated shopping ...

*Important Note for ALL of my recipes

Dairy sensitivities can range from mild and accumulation-based (i.e. can only handle x amount of dairy each day before noticing symptoms) to severely anaphalactic (hives, blocked airways, vomiting etc. – even from skin-on-skin with just the tiniest amount of ghee!). Many of my recipes use organic butter as a cooking fat, due to it’s delicious flavour and fat-soluble vitamin content. Butter is low in lactose, whey and casein (the three most researched constituents in dairy that have been shown to cause upset in sensitive individuals). Provided butter is organic, the diet of the cow should be free of herbicides and pesticides, and thus the end product should contain minimal chemical residue (some will likely still be present due to airborne exposure from neighbouring non-organic farms).

However “low” doesn’t mean “no” and for this reason, if you or the person you’re cooking for doesn’t fare well with even trace amounts of dairy, because of issues with lactose, casein, whey or an alternate dairy-based constituent that your health-care provider is yet to determine, please swap butter for coconut oil (in baking recipes) or your choice of coconut, olive or macadamia oil for sautéing, frying, roasting etc. Where milk, yoghurt or cream is used, swap for nut, oat, rice or coconut-based alternatives.

The recipes on this page are completely free from all dairy (even butter and ghee), though if you scroll through other recipe pages, you will find that most of my recipes can easily be made dairy-free by implementing the suggestions above.

Nutrition | Yoga | Astrology