Tag Archives: butternut

Eating well on a budget


When you overhaul your lifestyle or even make gradual changes, the grocery bill tends to sky-rocket. This is not to have a dig at small, sustainable, organic companies or local organic farmers. The way the market is at the moment, they have no choice but to charge their customers extra to ensure that they themsleves make a profit. It does seem unfair that simply filling your body with wholesome foods costs a small fortune.

It’s not all bad news. There are an increasing number of ways that you can eat local, chemical-free foods without it costing the earth. It may mean some small sacrifices and some habit changes, but the benefits are well worth it. Here are some of my favourite tricks.

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Serve Me A Suggestion

I love food (if that isn’t obvious already)!

I also love spending time in the kitchen experimenting or simply whipping up classic favourites.

However … there are times when I’m just not in the mood to cook (I can be very impatient when I’m hungry) and just want something fast and delicious.

That is where I love serving suggestions. Not in the sense of processed packaged pseudo-foods or microwave dinners, but rather where you just combine a few, fresh, tasty ingredients to create the most amazing flavour combinations with impressive nutritional profiles.

Let me share with you some of the ‘serving suggestions’ that I have been loving lately.

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