Category Archives: Non-foodie reads

Watch those thoughts

Do you have a brain that just never seems to switch off? I do. Most of the time this is useful. After all, the more thoughts and ideas I have, the more chance I have of having mental breakthroughs in both my personal and professional life. Like the day I realised that Mum’s chicken madras was a ticket aboard the poop satisfaction train. Excuse me whilst I go curry.

Having an active mind helps me research quicker, write essays faster and solve problems more efficiently. I get some of my best ideas when I am out on a walk or a jog, or in the shower – nothing like  comforting steam for warming up the ole’ brain cells (or perhaps I think more clearly when I’m naked – yes that’s it). An active mind is a productive mind. Most of the time.

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Happy Palettes, Happy Tummies

You know the buzz in the wellnessphere around ‘superfoods’ such as the kick-ass kale plant or quinoa (‘queen’ of the grains … or seeds if you want to get technical)? If foods were supermodels and graced the cover of vogue then you’d probably be confronted with pictures of a naked kale stalks slathered sexily in coconut oil (raunchy by plant standards), as you navigated the magazine selection of your newsagency. Well I think it’s confession time, brace yourselves!

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