Category Archives: Gut health

I’m doing the GAPS diet

Oh hello there. You’ve found some very old content. Please read the disclaimer on this page before thinking I’m still a total sheep who has been sucked into a bone-broth worshipping fad diet. Been there, learned from that and am now a much less rigid human.

Dear ones, we meet again!

The sun is up, the breeze is mild and I am inhaling the luscious scents wafting from the bone broth keeping warm in my slow cooker. I get the feeling it’s going to be a beautiful day.

Before I get too Pollyanna on Prozac, I’m going to get straight to the point. I’m embarking on the GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) Diet; a gut sealing and healing diet, formulated by Dr Natasha Campbell McBride.

Continue reading I’m doing the GAPS diet