Sneaky Work-outs

Two and a bit years ago I wrote this post about bringing the motivation and fun back to exercise. This was when I first started blogging and I sure could rave on (to the point where just reading the damn post was a work-out for the optic nerves!!!).

These days, where possible, I’m trying to cut my posts down so you can just read them – get the gist, implement what you want, and get on with your day.

Here are ten ways to sneak activity into your day, all of which take between 1-30 minutes – boredom be gone!

  • Lunges while breakfast is in the blender. My morning smoothie blends for about 90 seconds … so I do 30 lunges on both the right and left side when I think of it
  • 10 quick sun salutations whilst dinner is cooking. Last night I had my veggies cooking on the stovetop and mum and Phils’s chicken tikka skewers on the grill. I was kitchen-bound, so I just broke into sun salutations (google the following poses and put them together for one round; tadasana, uttanasana, plank, chaturunga, bhujangasana, downward dog, uttanasana, tadasana)
  • Hold plank and/or side plank whilst kettle is boiling. I like to do regular plank, right arm side plank and left arm side plank, 1 minute hold each … 3 minutes done!
  • 10-15 minutes on the rowing machine at the gym. I close my eyes, get into a meditative state and just push backwards and forwards … in and out in 1 quarter of an hour (this is also great if you’re early for a gym class and have time to kill)
  • Lifting something heavy and doing 30 squats whilst holding it. This your heart-rate up super fast in minimal time … feel free to do a few repetitions
  • A walk around the block between jobs. Just finished scanning your emails and about to chop those veggies for dinner? Take a quick walk around the block. It takes 5 minutes and can be done multiple times throughout the day (hint: power walking is much easier to stick to in short increments)
  • A 28 minute jog (give or take a few minutes). I used to go for epic runs (because I could) and I ended up dreading them. Now I have a cute little route that takes me less than half an hour and it’s so quick I do it every morning without procrastination … if I step up the pace it’s only 25 minutes
  •  A wall sit whilst checking Facebook or Instagram. We can all waste 5 minutes (or more) scrolling. Try multi-tasking. Take a quick break and repeat a few times, you get to have your social media time and work those thighs at the same time
  • 1 minute of Cross Crawl on your back, randomly at any time of the day. Google how to do this one, super intense and super quick
  • If you have access to a CX class I recommend it or buy a resistant strap and some weights and google CX videos online. Learn some core moves and do it yourself. It’s only 30 minutes of your day and the endorphins are so worth it

There you have it. Movement in mere minutes, combine 2-3 of the above suggestions and you’ve got yourself some regular activity that isn’t overwhelming. Yassss!

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