Tag Archives: chemical free

You know you’re on GAPS when …

Oh hello there. You’ve found some very old content. Please read the disclaimer on this page before thinking I’m still a total sheep who has been sucked into a bone-broth worshipping fad diet. Been there, learned from that and am now a much less rigid human.

Let’s be honest, GAPS may be just what the doctor nutritionist ordered, but it’s not without it’s drawbacks, challenges and isolating guidelines.

Here’s a few truths that only those living the GAPS life will truly understand.

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While I’ve been away

It’s been a busy, busy August! Semseter 2 has started at College (and lecture content is a wee bit complicated thus far), I volunteered at The Wellness Summit and (most importantly) I travelled up to the Sunny Coast for my Twenty8 Health and Lifestyle Educator Program Graduation!!!!!!!!! That’s too many exclamation marks, isn’t it?

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Thai green chicken soup

This soup is seriously good and a nice break from the regular appearances of pumpkin and cauliflower soup that tend to share the starring role in my kitchen. My mum (a non GAPS taste-tester I might add) had several soup-gasms whilst devouring this creamy bowl of yumminess.

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Spectacular Soul Saturday: Amber Magna

This week’s Spectacular guest is my mate Amber.

I am always blown away by her down to earth approach to health. At 23, Amber is already moving towards her goal of inspiring the population to give a damn. She has 2 years of Naturopathy under her belt, written an online program called ‘Simply Eat’ and just recently graduated from Kim Morrison’s  HLE programme. On top of these merits, she is one of the kindest, and most generous humans I know!

Meet Amber …

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Spectacular Soul Saturday: Donna Heathcote


You see that gorgeous creature front right, bobbing down beside me? That’s today’s guest Donna Heathcote. Donna and I met last November at a retreat called Awaken the Change Within. We instantly developed girl-crushes due to our shared interest in gut health, mindset and puppies. I call her my ‘other mother’ and she calls me daughter (peas in pods!).

Meet Donna …

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Homemade Yoghurt or Sour Cream

I figured with all my talk of GAPS I should give you some recipes. In case you’re thinking of starting the GAPS journey yourself or want to add a few new dishes to your repertoire. Yoghurt/sour cream is a wholesome place to start.

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I’m doing the GAPS diet

Oh hello there. You’ve found some very old content. Please read the disclaimer on this page before thinking I’m still a total sheep who has been sucked into a bone-broth worshipping fad diet. Been there, learned from that and am now a much less rigid human.

Dear ones, we meet again!

The sun is up, the breeze is mild and I am inhaling the luscious scents wafting from the bone broth keeping warm in my slow cooker. I get the feeling it’s going to be a beautiful day.

Before I get too Pollyanna on Prozac, I’m going to get straight to the point. I’m embarking on the GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) Diet; a gut sealing and healing diet, formulated by Dr Natasha Campbell McBride.

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Eating well on a budget


When you overhaul your lifestyle or even make gradual changes, the grocery bill tends to sky-rocket. This is not to have a dig at small, sustainable, organic companies or local organic farmers. The way the market is at the moment, they have no choice but to charge their customers extra to ensure that they themsleves make a profit. It does seem unfair that simply filling your body with wholesome foods costs a small fortune.

It’s not all bad news. There are an increasing number of ways that you can eat local, chemical-free foods without it costing the earth. It may mean some small sacrifices and some habit changes, but the benefits are well worth it. Here are some of my favourite tricks.

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